Scripture Verse

A land flowing with milk and honey. Exodus 3:8


Avis M. Christiansen (1895–1985)

Words: Av­is M. Chris­tian­sen, 1918.

Music: Hal­dor Lil­le­nas (🔊 pdf nwc).

Haldor Lillenas (1885–1959)


I’m abiding to­day in Ca­naan land,
In the sun­light of God’s love;
And the Sav­ior’s face ev­er shines be­fore me
As I jour­ney to my home above.


I’m abid­ing in Ca­naan land!
I’m abid­ing in Ca­naan land!
Since He washed my sin away,
It is glo­ry all the way,
I’m abid­ing in Ca­naan land!
I’m abid­ing in Ca­naan land!
I’m abid­ing in Ca­naan land!
All my sins have been for­giv’n,
And I’m on my way to Heav’n,
I’m abid­ing in Ca­naan land!

’Tis a fore­taste of com­ing glo­ry yon­der
In that land be­yond the sky,
Where in bliss un­told I shall ev­er wan­der
In the bless­èd home­land by and by.


Won’t you en­ter the land of peace and bless­ing,
And its rap­ture with me share?
All your sin and guilt to the Lord con­fess­ing,
You will have a bless­èd wel­come there.
