Scripture Verse

I have called you friends. John 15:15


Johnson Oatman, Jr.

Words: John­son Oat­man, Jr., 1918.

Music: San Lu­is Obis­po John W. Den­nis, 1918 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Oat­man or Den­nis,

John W. Dennis (1866–1947)


They tried my Lord and Mas­ter,
With no one to de­fend;
Within the halls of Pi­late
He stood with­out a friend.


I’ll be a friend to Je­sus,
My life for Him I’ll spend;
I’ll be a friend to Je­sus,
Until my years shall end.

The world may turn against Him,
I’ll love Him to the end;
And while on earth I’m liv­ing,
My Lord shall have a friend.


I’ll do what He may bid me,
I’ll go where He may send;
I’ll try each fly­ing mo­ment,
To prove that I’m His friend.


To all who need a Sav­ior,
My friend I re­com­mend;
Because He brought sal­va­tion,
Is why I am His friend.
