Scripture Verse

Thy Word is true from the beginning. Psalm 119:160


Words & Mu­sic: Fran­cis A. Black­mer, 1905 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Black­mer (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I do be­lieve the Bi­ble,
The bless­èd Word of God,
And close un­to its pro­mises
I cleave.
It points me to the path­way
The saints and mar­tyrs trod,
My Fa­ther is its au­thor,
And I be­lieve.


Yes, I be­lieve the bless­èd Word of God,
It marks the paths His peo­ple all have trod;
The story, from cre­ation,
All thro’ to Re­ve­la­tion,
Bears proof of in­spir­ation,
And I be­lieve.

It was my par­ents’ coun­sel;
To them its truths were grand.
And me­mo­ry oft a pic­ture
Sweet doth weave
Of that old-fa­shioned Bi­ble
That lay up­on the stand,

In life, in death, it cheered them,
And I be­lieve.


I once was lost and dy­ing,
In dark­ness and des­pair,
And o’er my lost con­di­tion
Long I grieved,
Until I searched the Bi­ble
And learned of Je­sus there,
Who sweet­ly blest and saved me
When I be­lieved.


Bold in­fi­dels may ca­vil,
And scorn the blessèd Book,
And with their ground­less doc­trines
May de­ceive;
Still all the while the Bi­ble
Brings peace to those who look
With faith up­on its pag­es,
And I be­lieve.
