Scripture Verse

A friend of…sinners. Luke 7:34


Words: Maud Fra­ser, 1913.

Music: Ro­bert Hark­ness (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Fra­ser (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Robert Harkness


I have heard a most won­der­ful sto­ry
Of the Son of the High­est in glo­ry,
How my heart He doth seek,
Though so sin­ful, so weak,
He wants a poor sin­ner like me.


He wants a poor sin­ner like me,
Oh, won­der­ful love, can it be!
Christ shed His own blood to re­deem me,
He wants a poor sin­ner like me.

When I see Him be­neath the cross bend­ing,
When I hear the sharp nails His flesh rend­ing,
When I see His blood flow,
Jesus loves me I know,
He wants a poor sin­ner like me.


Yes, He wants all the sin­ful, the griev­ing,
His dear arms are held out for re­ceiv­ing.
I no long­er will stay
From this Sav­ior away,
He wants a poor sin­ner like me.


Yes, He wants by His hand now to hold me,
And with His migh­ty love to en­fold me;
Yes, He wants me to stay
In His pre­sence al­way,
He wants a poor sin­ner like me.
