Scripture Verse

The Lord their God shall save them in that day as the flock of His people. Zechariah 9:16


Words: Pe­ter S. Vig, Hym­nal for Church and Home, ed­it­ed by Jens C. Aab­erg (Blair, Ne­bras­ka: Da­nish Lu­ther­an Pub­lish­ing House, 1927), num­ber 236.

Music: Vig, ano­ny­mous, 1927 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the com­pos­er, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Vig (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


How glad­ly I my place have tak­en
Among the flock of God’s elect!
With them I have the world for­sak­en
And Je­sus’ com­ing now ex­pect.
Redeemed by His un­bound­ed love,
My home will be with Christ above.

How sweet the words, how re­as­sur­ing,
That I to God am re­con­ciled!
His par­don for my sins se­cur­ing,
My soul no longer is de­filed.
The peace of God I now pos­sess
Which ev­ery ev­il can re­dress.

I bid the wick­ed world de­fi­ance,
Tho’ fierce­ly it God’s Word at­tack;
In Him I place my firm re­li­ance
Who ne­ver takes His pro­mise back;
Tho’ earth and Hea­ven pass away,
His Word shall ev­er­more hold sway.

How glad­ly I His pro­mise pon­der!
Tho’ sin­ful, yet in grace I stand;
A he­ri­tage awaits me yon­der,
And Hea­ven is my fa­ther­land.
My Lord, as vic­tor in the strife,
Awards to me the crown of life.

How good to hear my Sav­ior call­ing,
To see Him ev­en face to face!
What bliss be­fore Him pros­trate fall­ing
To find with Him a rest­ing place;
And with the saints in sweet ac­cord
To sing the praise of Christ, my Lord!