God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts.
Galatians 4:6
Words: Virgil P. Brock, 1918.
Music: Blanche K. Brock (🔊 pdf nwc).
My Savior’s love is sweeter still,
Each day I try to do His will;
My heart with peace and joy He fills,
He’s everything to me.
He’s all in all to me today,
Into my heart He’s come to stay;
He’s all in all to me today,
He’s everything to me.
Such wondrous blessings o’er me stole,
When Jesus came and made me whole,
His love like billows o’er me roll,
He’s everything to me.
No good thing does my Lord deny,
I feel His presence ever nigh;
Earth’s pleasures fail to satisfy,
He’s everything to me.
I’m watching for my king’s return,
To see His face my soul doth yearn,
Yet day by day I live to learn,
He’s everything to me.