Scripture Verse

The coming of the Lord draweth nigh. James 5:8


Words: Lau­ra C. Nourse, in Ca­rols of Joy (Spring­field, Ohio: J. L. Rust, 1882), num­ber 84.

Music: Pa­la­wan Frank M. Da­vis, 1882 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Nourse (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Frank M. Davis (1839–1896)


He is com­ing! swell the chor­us!
Strike the loud ex­ult­ant strain!
He whose mer­cy ho­vers o’er us,
Comes to earth her pro­mised king.
Earthly mon­archs bow be­fore Him,
Saints and sin­ners bend the knee,
Angels stoop­ing low adore Him,
Jesus comes, and earth is free.


He is com­ing, com­ing, com­ing,
See His cha­ri­ot rends the sky.
Hear His voice in notes of warn­ing,
He is com­ing by and by.

He is com­ing—pomp and glo­ry—
Angel hosts His re­gal train!
Jesus born in Beth­le­hem low­ly
Comes His king­ship to pro­claim.
Sinners quake with fear be­fore Him,
Satan’s min­ions all are fled;
Death’s un­num­bered hosts ad­ore Him,
Life and hope and joy are wed.


He is com­ing! Hail with glad­ness
Every sign in earth and sky!
Death is con­quered with its sad­ness,
Sin and sin­ners all must die.
He is com­ing! Light and splen­dor,
Perfect love and last­ing peace;
Bow, ye na­tions, low in won­der,
Crown Him Prince, ye saved by grace.
