Scripture Verse

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Revelation 22:13


Frederick Myers (1843–1901)

Words: Fred­er­ick W. H. My­ers, in his poem St. Paul, 1867.

Music: Wel­wyn Al­fred Scott-Gat­ty, in Ar­un­del Hymns, 1902 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Alfred Scott-Gatty


Hark, what a sound,
And too di­vine for hear­ing,
Stirs on the earth and trem­bles in the air!
Is it the thun­der of the Lord’s ap­pear­ing?
Is it the mu­sic of His peo­ple’s pray­er?

Surely He com­eth,
And a thou­sand voic­es
Shout to the saints and to the deaf and dumb;
Surely He com­eth, and the earth re­joic­es,
Glad in His com­ing who hath sworn, I come.

So ev­en I, and
With a pang more thrill­ing,
So ev­en I, and with a hope more sweet,
Yearn for the sign, O Christ, of Thy ful­fill­ing,
Faint for the flam­ing of Thine ad­vent feet.

Yea, through life, death,
Through sor­row and through sin­ning,
He shall suf­fice me, for He hath suf­fic­èd;
Christ is the end, for Christ was the be­gin­ning,
Christ the be­gin­ning, for the end is Christ.