Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


J. Lincoln Hall (1866–1930)

Words: Al­ice J. Clea­tor, in The Voice of Praise, by Lin­coln Hall et al. (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­sy­lvan­ia: Hall-Mack, 1904), num­ber 205.

Music: J. Lin­coln Hall (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Clea­tor (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Hall,


Hark the an­gels’ song,
Hark the an­gels’ song,
Ringing thro’ the por­tals on high;
Look, each star so bright,
Trembles in de­light,
As they hear the heav’n­ly cry.


Glory to God in the high­est!
Glory to God in the high­est!

Good news of peace un­to all I bring,
Yonder is born a king,
Glory to God in the high­est!
Glory to God in the high­est!

Glory to God, glo­ry to God,
Glory to God on high!

Hark the an­gels’ song,
Hark the an­gels’ song,
Song that ne­ver mor­tals have heard—
Rise, O sleep­ing earth,
Hail thy Sav­ior’s birth,
Bow in praise be­fore the Lord.


Hark the an­gels’ song,
Hark the an­gels’ song,
Sweeter words no mor­tal could frame;
Song in Hea­ven taught,
All with rap­ture fraught,
Sounding forth the glo­ri­ous praise.
