Scripture Verse

I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:3


Words & Mu­sic: Frank­lin E. Bel­den, in The Se­venth-Day Ad­vent­ist Hymn and Tune Book (Bat­tle Creek, Mi­chi­gan: Re­view & He­rald, 1888), num­ber 1331 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Franklin E. Belden (1858–1945)
Courtesy of Ellen G. White Estate


Sweet pro­mise, I will come again;
Go preach this Gos­pel to all men
Come quick­ly, Lord, my soul doth say,
And bring that hap­py day.


Happy day, O hap­py day!
Happy day, O hap­py day!
Come quick­ly, Lord, no more de­lay;
Come quick­ly, hap­py day.

The right­eous dead shall then arise;
With liv­ing saints as­cend the skies;
And Sa­tan in this vale of tears
Be bound a thou­sand years.


The city bright shall then ap­pear,
The wick­ed then be raised to hear
The Judge’s aw­ful sen­tence dire,
And earth shall melt with fire.


Then shall it blos­som as of old,
In beau­ty glo­ri­ous to be­hold!
And sin and death be found no more
On that im­mor­tal shore.
