Scripture Verse

Thy sins are forgiven. Luke 5:20


William Hunter (1811–1877)

Words: Will­iam Hunt­er, Se­lect Me­lo­dies (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Me­tho­dist Book Con­cern, 1843).

Music: Lake Lou­ise ar­ranged by Tul­li­us C. O’Kane (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Hunt­er,

Tullius C. O’Kane (1830–1912)


There is a spot to me more dear
Than na­tive vale or mount­ain;
A spot for which af­fect­ion’s tear
Springs grate­ful from its fount­ain.
’Tis not where kin­dred souls abound,
Though that is al­most Hea­ven,
But where I first my Sav­ior found,
And felt my sins for­giv­en.

Hard was my toil to reach the shore,
Long tossed upon the ocean;
Above me was the thun­der’s roar,
Beneath, the wave’s com­mo­tion.
Darkly the pall of night was thrown
Around me faint with ter­ror;
In that dark hour how did my groan
Ascend for years of er­ror.

Sinking and pant­ing as for breath
I knew not help was near me;
I cried, Oh, save me, Lord from death,
Immortal Je­sus, hear me.

Then quick as thought I felt Him mine,
My Sav­ior stood before me;
I saw His brigh­tness round me shine,
And shouted Glo­ry, glo­ry.

O sac­red hour! O hal­lowed spot!
Where love di­vine first found me;
Wherever falls my dist­ant lot,
My heart shall lin­ger round thee.
And when from earth I rise, to soar
Up to my home in Hea­ven,
Down will I cast my eyes once more,
Where I was first for­giv­en.