Scripture Verse

Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


Words: Jo­na­than Krause, 1739 (Al­le­ju­ja! Schön­er Mor­gen). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Jane L. Borth­wick, Hymns from the Land of Lu­ther, 1858.

Music: Al­bert Hein­rich Al­bert, 1643 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Krause, Borth­wick, or Al­bert (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Hallelujah! Fair­est morn­ing,
Fairer than my words can say!
Down I lay the hea­vy bur­den
Of life’s toil and care to­day;
While this morn of joy and love
Brings fresh vi­gor from above.

Sunday, full of ho­ly glo­ry!
Sweetest rest-day of the soul,
Light upon a world of dark­ness
From thy bless­èd mo­ments roll!
Holy, hap­py, heav’n­ly day,
Thou canst charm my grief away.

Now I taste my Fa­ther’s good­ness,
Falling like the morn­ing dew,
While of pas­tures ev­en fair­er,
I would take a dist­ant view.
Where my shep­herd’s flock I see,
Where my dwell­ing soon shall be!

Oh, be si­lent, earth­ly tur­moil,
I have work more sweet and blest,
And each thought would ga­ther home­ward
On this hap­py day of rest.
Thus with clear­er faith to see,
All my Lord has done for me.

In the glad­ness of His wor­ship
I will seek my joy to­day;
It is then I learn the full­ness
Of the grace for which I pray,
When the word of life is giv’n,
Like the Sav­ior’s voice from Heav’n.

Let the day’s sweet hours be end­ed,
Prayerfully, as they be­gan;
And Thy bless­ing, Lord, be grant­ed,
Till earth’s days and weeks are done;
That at last Thy ser­vant may
Keep eter­nal Sab­bath day.