Scripture Verse

Turn us again, O God, and cause Thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. Psalm 80:3


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 220.

Music: Gor­don Ado­ni­ram J. Gor­don, 1876 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Adoniram J. Gordon


Great Shep­herd, who lead­est
Thy peo­ple in love,
’Mid cher­ub­im dwell­ing,
Shine Thou from ab­ove;
In might come and save us,
Thy peo­ple re­store,
And we shall be saved
When Thy face shines once more.

O haste, Lord, to hear us
And pi­ty our woes,
Afflictions our por­tion,
Despised by our foes;
O Lord God Al­migh­ty,
In mer­cy re­store,
And we shall be saved
When Thy face shines once more.

A place for Thy peo­ple,
Thou, Lord, didst pre­pare,
Thy vine deep­ly root­ed
Rewarded Thy care;
Its branch­es like ce­dars,
Majestic and free,
Spread ov­er the mount­ains
From ri­ver to sea.

Thy vine­yard no long­er
Thy ten­der care knows,
Defenseless, the vic­tim
And spoil of her foes;
O turn, we be­seech Thee,
All glo­ry is Thine,
Look down in Thy mer­cy
And vi­sit Thy vine.

The branch of Thy plant­ing
Is burned and cut down,
Brought nigh to de­struct­ion
Because of Thy frown;
The man of Thy right hand
With wis­dom en­due,
The son of man strength­en
Thy plea­sure to do.

When Thou shalt re­vive us
Thy name we shall praise,
And ne­ver­more turn­ing,
Depart from Thy ways;
O Lord God Al­migh­ty,
In mer­cy re­store,
And we shall be saved
When Thy face shines once more.