Scripture Verse

To the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. 1 Timothy 1:17


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for Use of Fa­mi­lies 1767.

Music: Mainz­er Jo­seph Mainz­er, 1841 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Joseph Mainzer (1801–1851)


God on­ly wise, and great, and strong,
Hath made the orbs to run their race:
Knowledge and might to God be­long,
Honor, and ma­jes­ty, and praise.

Jehovah is un­change­able,
His ways and thoughts are not as ours;
He cheers the lang­uid souls that fail;
And quick­ens all their droop­ing pow­ers.

Gently He lifts the fall­en up,
He gives them faith, and faith’s in­crease,
Revives their fee­ble, dy­ing hope,
And fills with love, and joy and peace.

Blasted, the vi­gor of the young
Shall fade, and sud­den­ly decay;
The bold, and con­fi­dent and strong,
Shall fear, des­pair, and die away.

But they who wait up­on the Lord
Shall sure­ly find His pro­mise true,
Receive the quick­en­ing pow­er­ful Word,
And, born of God, their strength re­new.

Their will­ing souls, from sin set free,
Shall swift­ly in His sta­tutes move,
Shall walk in glo­ri­ous li­ber­ty
Shall fly up­on the wings of love.