Scripture Verse

God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause His face to shine upon us…That Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations. Psalm 67:1–2


Edward Churton (1800–1874)

Words: Ed­ward Chur­ton, The Cleve­land Psal­ter 1854.

Music: Haar­lem Ber­thold Tours, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Berthold Tours (1838–1897)


God of grace, O let Thy light
Bless our dim and blind­ed sight;
Like the day-spring on the night,
Bid Thy grace to shine.

To the na­tions led as­tray
Thine eter­nal love dis­play:
Let Thy truth di­rect their way
Till the world be Thine.

Praise to Thee, the faith­ful Lord;
Let all tongues in glad ac­cord
Learn the good thanks­giv­ing word,
Ever prais­ing Thee.

Let them moved to glad­ness sing,
Owning Thee their judge and king;
Righteous truth shall bloom and spring
Where Thy rule shall be.

Praise to Thee, all faith­ful Lord;
Let all tongues in glad ac­cord
Speak the good thanks­giv­ing word,
Heart re­joic­ing praise.

So the fruit­ful earth’s in­crease,
Bounty of the God of peace,
Never in its course shall cease
Through the length of days;

While His grace our life shall cheer,
Furthest lands shall own His fear,
Brought to Him in wor­ship near,
Taught His mer­cy’s ways.