Scripture Verse

We will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. Psalm 46:2


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns Oc­ca­sioned by the Earth­quake, March 8, 1750, Part 1 (Lon­don: 1750), pag­es 9–12, alt.

Music: Am­ster­dam James Nar­es, in The Foun­de­ry Col­lect­ion, 1742 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

  • Atonement (Breth­ren) Bo­he­mi­an Breth­ren, 1566 (🔊 pdf nwc)
James Nares (1715–1783)


God, the om­ni­pre­sent God,
Our strength and re­fuge stands
Ready to sup­port our load,
And bear us in His hands:
Readiest when we need Him most,
When to Him dis­tressed we cry;
All who on His mer­cy trust
Shall find de­li­ver­ance nigh.

Kept by Him, we scorn to fear
In dan­ger’s black­est day,
Starting at de­struct­ion near,
Though na­ture faint away,
Though the stor­my ocean roar,
Though the mad­ding bil­lows rise,
Rage, and foam, and lash the shore,
And min­gle earth and skies.

Let earth’s in­most cen­ter quake,
And shat­tered na­ture mourn,
Let un­wiel­dy mount­ains shake,
And fall by storms up­torn,
Fall with all their trem­bling load
Far into the ocean hurled,
Lo! We stand se­cure in God,
Amidst a ru­ined world.

From the throne of God there springs
A pure and crys­tal stream,
Life, and peace, and joy it brings
To His Je­ru­sa­lem:
Rivers of re­fresh­ing grace
Through the sac­red city flow,
Watering all the hal­lowed place
Where God re­sides be­low.

God most mer­ci­ful, most high,
Doth in His Si­on dwell,
Kept by Him their tow­ers de­fy
The strength of earth and hell;
Built on her o’er­sha­dow­ing Rock,
Who shall her foun­da­tions move?
Who her great de­fend­er shock—
The Al­migh­ty God of love.

All that on this Rock are stayed
The world as­saults in vain,
Ever pre­sent with His aid
He shall His own sus­tain:
Guardian of the chos­en race,
Jesus doth His church de­fend,
Save them by His time­ly grace,
And keep them to the end.

Furiously the hea­then raged
Against His church be­low,
Kingdoms all their power en­gaged
Jerusalem t’o’er­throw;
Earth from her foun­da­tion stirred,
Yawned to swal­low up her prey,
Jesus spoke, she owned His word,
And quaked, and fled away.

For His peo­ple in dis­tress
The God of Ja­cob stands,
Keeps us, ’till our trou­bles cease,
In His al­migh­ty hands:
He for us His pow­er hath shown,
He doth still our re­fuge prove;
Loves the Lord of hosts His own,
And shall for­ev­er love.

Come, be­hold the Al­migh­ty Lord
In robes of ven­geance clad;
By the de­so­lat­ing sword
What ha­voc hath He made!
He hath sent His ar­mies forth,
States and king­doms to o’er­throw,
Marched in an­ger through the earth,
And ra­vaged all below.

Lo! Again in ten­der love
He bids their dis­cords cease,
Calms their spir­it from above,
And melts them in­to peace;
Breaks the bow and burns the car,
Instruments of fa­tal ill,
Quells the hor­rid din of war,
And bids the world be still.

Sons of men, be still, and know
That I am God alone;
I my sav­ing pow­er will show,
And make my good­ness known;
All shall with my will com­ply
Fear the name to sin­ners giv’n,
Bow be­fore the Lord most high,
The Lord of earth and Heav’n.

For His peo­ple in dis­tress
The God of Ja­cob stands,
Bears us, ’till our trou­bles cease,
In His al­migh­ty hands:
He for us His pow­er hath shown,
He doth still our re­fuge prove,
Loves the Lord of hosts His own,
And shall for­ev­er love.