Scripture Verse

Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:14


Words: Will­iam C. Mar­tin, in Helpful Hymns, ed­it­ed by Ru­fus H. Cor­ne­li­us (Mid­lo­thi­an, Tex­as: R. H. Cor­ne­li­us, 1914).

Music: Ga­ler­as Ma­con T. B. Cor­ne­li­us (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ma­con Cor­ne­li­us (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William Martin (1864–1914)


God help you in ev­ery pass­ing hour,
And keep you pure and true,
And strength­en you with heav’n­ly pow­er,
The work of life to do.


God keep you true, God keep you true,
Whatever voice may call to you;
Where’er you go, what­e’er you do,
God keep you pure and true.

O may His Spir­it be your shield,
His hand point out the way—
May you a true obe­di­ence yield,
And fol­low day by day.


The tempt­er seeks to lure as­tray
And soft­ly calls to you;
God keep you in the nar­row way,
And help you to be true.


God help you thro’ the years of life
To keep the crown in view,
And in the griefs and toil and strife
Be ev­er strong and true.
