Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


William T. Matson (1833–1899)

Words: Will­iam T. Mat­son, in The Ca­na­di­an Hym­nal (To­ron­to, Ca­na­da: Willi­am Briggs 1889), num­ber 298, alt.

Music: Franz Schu­bert (1797–1828) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Franz Schubert (1797–1828)
Wikimedia Commons


Glory, glo­ry to God in the high­est!
Angels in chor­us joy­ful­ly cry;
Glory, glo­ry to God in the high­est!
Trembling and weak our voic­es re­ply.
Fain would we ec­ho their an­them ab­ove,
Fain would we sing to the Fount­ain of love;
Glory to God in the high­est!
What though but feeb­ly our ac­cents arise,
Deigning to heark­en, He bends from the skies.
Glory to God in the high­est!

Glory, glo­ry to God in the high­est!
Bright beam­ing stars of mid­night pro­claim;
Glory, glo­ry to God in the high­est!
All na­ture peals forth in praise to His name.
Warbles the wood­land, and whis­pers the breeze,
Roar out the tor­rents and tem­pest tossed seas,
Glory to God in the high­est!
Loud His cre­ation, still cease­less pro­longs,
Praise to her Mak­er in all her glad songs,
Glory to God in the high­est!

Glory, glory to God in the high­est!
Joining the choir, our trib­ute we bring;
Glory, glo­ry to God in the high­est!
Mortals break si­lence, grate­ful­ly sing;
Reigning in ma­jes­ty thron­èd ab­ove,
Yours is the most roy­al gift of His love.
Glory to God in the high­est!
Spread through cre­ation, His gran­deur we trace,
Only in man He re­veal­eth His grace,
Glory to God in the high­est!
