Scripture Verse

She wrapped Him in cloths and placed Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7


Catherine Winkworth (1827–1878)

Words: Mar­tin Lu­ther, 1531 (Vom Him­mel hoch da komm ich her). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ca­the­rine Wink­worth, Ly­ra Ger­ma­ni­ca, 1855. Though sung as a se­pa­rate hymn, these lyr­ics are on­ly part of Wink­worth’s trans­la­tion. From Hea­ven Above to Earth I Come is an­oth­er part.

Music: Je­su Re­demp­tor Om­ni­um Ka­tol­isch­en kirsch­en Ge­sang­buch, 1625 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Martin Luther (1483–1546)


Give heed, my heart, lift up thine eyes!
What is it in that man­ger lies?
Who is the Child so young and fair?
The bless­èd Christ Child li­eth there.

My heart for ve­ry joy doth leap,
My lips no more can si­lence keep;
I, too, must sing, with joy­ful tongue,
That sweet­est, dear­est cra­dle song.

Glory to God in high­est Heav’n,
Who un­to man His Son has giv’n,
While an­gels sing, our hearts to cheer,
To all the earth a glad new year!