Scripture Verse

Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord. Hosea 6:3


William Cushing

Words: Will­iam O. Cush­ing, 1878.

Music: Ro­bert Low­ry, Good as Gold (New York: Big­low & Main, 1880), page 134 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

I wrote this hymn in 1878, the Rev. W. O. Cush­ing tells me. Long­ing to give up all for Christ who had giv­en his life for me, I want­ed to be will­ing to lay ev­ery­thing at his feet, with no wish but to do his will, to live hence­forth on­ly for his glory.

Out of this feel­ing came the hymn, ‘Fol­low On.’ It was wri­tten with the pray­er and the hope that some heart might by it be led to give up all for Christ. Much of the pow­er and use­ful­ness of the hymn, how­ev­er, are due to Mr. Low­ry, who put it in­to song.

Sankey, p. 160


Down in the val­ley with my Sav­ior I would go,
Where the flow­ers are bloom­ing
And the sweet wa­ters flow;
Everywhere He leads me I would fol­low, fol­low on,
Walking in His foot­steps till the crown be won.


Follow! fol­low! I would fol­low Je­sus!
Anywhere, ev­ery­where, I would fol­low on!
Follow! fol­low! I would fol­low Je­sus!
Everywhere He leads me I would fol­low on!

Down in the val­ley with my Sav­ior I would go,
Where the storms are sweep­ing
And the dark wa­ters flow;
With His hand to lead me I will nev­er, nev­er fear,
Danger can­not fright me if my Lord is near.


Down in the val­ley, or up­on the mount­ain steep,
Close be­side my Sav­ior
Would my soul ev­er keep;
He will lead me safe­ly in the path that He has trod,
Up to where they ga­ther on the hills of God.
