Scripture Verse

Our Father, which art in Heaven. Luke 11:2


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: George Raw­son (1807–1889).

Music: Sta­bat Ma­ter (Dykes) John B. Dykes, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when this hymn was writ­ten,

George Rawson (1807–1889)


Father in high Hea­ven dwell­ing,
May our ev­en­ing song be tell­ing
Of Thy mer­cy large and free:
Through the day Thy love hath fed us,
Through the day Thy care hath led us
With di­vin­est cha­ri­ty.

This day’s sins, O par­don, Sav­ior,
Evil thoughts, per­verse be­hav­ior,
Envy, pride, and va­ni­ty;
From the world, the flesh, de­liv­er,
Save us now, and save us ev­er,
O Lamb of Cal­va­ry!

From en­tice­ments of the dev­il,
From the might of spir­its evil,
Be our shield and pa­no­ply:
Let Thy pow’r this night de­fend us,
And a hea­ven­ly peace attend us,
And an­gel­ic com­pa­ny.

While the night dews are dis­til­ling,
Holy Ghost, each heart be fill­ing
With Thine own se­re­ni­ty:
Softly let our eyes be clos­ing
Loving souls on Thee re­pos­ing,
Ever bless­èd Tri­ni­ty.