Scripture Verse

Feed My lambs. John 21:15


Julia C. Aldrich (1834–1924)

Words: Ju­lia C. Ald­rich, in Rich­es of Grace, by Ed­mund S. Lo­renz et al. (Day­ton, Ohio: Lo­renz, 1897), num­ber 15. These words al­so ap­peared in Ald­rich’s 1899 book Ha­zel Bloom.

Music: Ma­ri­an E. Og­den (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Og­den (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Ald­rich,

Feed My Lambs (Pais Mes brebis)
James Tissot (1836–1902)


Jesus said with ten­der plead­ing,
Feed My lambs, feed My lambs;
In this world He’s in­ter­ced­ing,
Feed My pre­cious lambs.


Feed My lambs, feed My lambs,
If you love Me,
saith the Sav­ior;
Feed My lambs, feed My lambs;
If you love Me, feed My lambs.

Seek each lit­tle son and daugh­ter,
Feed My lambs, feed My lambs;
Lead them to the liv­ing wa­ter,
Feed My pre­cious lambs.


Tell them of a home in glo­ry,
Feed My lambs, feed My lambs;
And re­peat the old, old sto­ry
To the pre­cious lambs.
