Scripture Verse

The Lord of hosts mustereth the host of the battle. Isaiah 13:4


Words: M. F. H. Smith (Brook­lyn, New York: Saw­yer & Thomp­son, 1863).

Music: Suf­folk M. F. H. Smith, 1863 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Smith’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Volunteers, gird on your ar­mor!
See, the foe’s in sight;
Hark! the trum­pet call is sound­ing,
Ready for the fight.
Take the sword of God’s own Spir­it,
Heed the Cap­tain’s sign;
At the sig­nal let us all be
Falling in­to line.

What tho’ Sa­tan now con­front us
With the hosts of sin;
With the Sav­ior as our lead­er,
We are sure to win.
Take the breast­plate of sal­va­tion,
And with aid di­vine,
We will join the hosts that now are
Falling in­to line.

To the con­flict, then, be march­ing
At the trum­pet’s call;
With our bat­tle cry res­ound­ing,
Liberty to all.
And when here the siege is end­ed,
By God’s grace di­vine,
In that land of glo­ry we’ll be
Falling in­to line.