Scripture Verse

Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good courage. This is what the Lord will do to all the enemies you are going to fight. Joshua 10:24–25


James H. Evans

Words: James H. Ev­ans (1785–1849).

Music: Ains­worth (Hast­ings) Tho­mas Hast­ings, Church Me­lo­dies (New York: An­son D. F. Ran­dolph, 1858), page 30 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thomas Hastings


Faint not, Chris­tian! though the road
Leading to thy blest ab­ode
Darksome be, and dan­ger­ous, too;
Christ thy guide will bring thee through.

Faint not, Chris­tian! though in rage
Satan would thy soul en­gage;
Gird on faith’s an­oint­ed shield,
Bear it to the bat­tle­field.

Faint not, Chris­tian! though the world
Has its hos­tile flag un­furled;
Hold the cross of Je­sus fast—
Thou shalt ov­er­come at last.

Faint not, Chris­tian! though with­in
There’s a heart so prone to sin;
Christ the Lord is ov­er all;
He’ll not suf­fer thee to fall.

Faint not, Chris­tian! though thy God
Smite thee with His chast­en­ing rod;
Smite He must, with fa­ther’s care,
That He may His love de­clare.

Faint not, Chris­tian! Je­sus’ near,
Soon in glo­ry He’ll ap­pear;
And His love will then be­stow
Power ov­er ev­ery foe.

Faint not, Chris­tian! look on high,
See the harp­ers in the sky;
Patient wait, and thou wilt join—
Chant with them of love di­vine.

Joshua and the Amorite Kings
James Tissot (1836–1902)