

Born: Ap­ril 15, 1785, Sal­is­bu­ry,Wilt­shire, Eng­land.

Died: De­cem­ber 1, 1849, Stone­ha­ven, Scot­land.

Buried: De­cem­ber 6, 1849, High­gate Ce­me­tery, Lon­don, En­gland.

Pseudonym: Al­ix.



Evans was the son of James Evans, a priest-vi­car of Sal­is­bu­ry Ca­thed­ral, and hus­band of Ca­ro­line Joyce (mar­ried 1810)

He was edu­cat­ed at Wad­ham Col­lege, Ox­ford, where he gra­du­at­ed in 1803, and be­came a Fel­low in 1805.

Taking Ho­ly Or­ders in 1808, he re­mained in the Church of Eng­land un­til 1815, when he be­came a Bap­tist min­is­ter. He served the John Street Bap­tist Church, Gray’s Inn Road, Lon­don, for ma­ny years.

Evans con­trib­uted to Car­us Wil­son’s Friend­ly Vi­sit­or of 1827, and lat­er un­der the pseu­do­nym Alix. His son pub­lished Ev­ans’ Me­moirs and Re­mains in 1852 and 1855.

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