Scripture Verse

Come near to God, and He will come near to you. James 4:8


Thomas H. Kingo (1634–1703)

Words: Tho­mas H. Kin­go, 1699 (Sø­de Je­sus, kom at røre). Trans­lat­ed from Da­nish to Eng­lish by Carl K. Sol­berg, 1908, alt.

Music: Wer­de mun­ter Jo­hann Schop, 1642 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Solberg (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Johan Schop (1590–1664)


Dearest Je­sus, draw Thou near me,
Let Thy Spir­it dwell with mine;
Open now my ear to hear Thee,
Take my heart and seal it Thine;
Keep me, lead me on my way,
Thee to fol­low and ob­ey,
E’er to do Thy will and fear Thee,
And re­joice to know and hear Thee.

Underneath Thy wings abid­ing,
In Thy Church, O Sav­ior dear,
Let me dwell, in Thee con­fid­ing,
Hold me in Thy faith and fear;
Take away from me each thought
That with wick­ed­ness is fraught,
Tempting me to dis­ob­ey Thee,
Root it out, O Lord, I pray Thee.

Thou, earth’s great­est joy and glad­ness,
And sal­va­tion, full and free,
Let Thy pre­sence cheer my sad­ness,
And pre­pare my soul for Thee!
In the hour when I de­part,
Touch my spir­it, lips and heart,
With Thy Word as­sure, up­hold me
Till the heav’n­ly gates en­fold me.