Scripture Verse

The very hairs of your head are all numbered. Matthew 10:30


George L. Taylor (1835–1903)

Words: George L. Tay­lor, in Se­lect Hymns for the Use of the Mis­sion School of the Mad­is­on Square Pres­by­ter­ian Church (New York: Fran­cis Hart, 1861).

Music: Sut­ton Grange W. Fid­di­an Moul­ton (1835–1898) (🔊 pdf nwc).

W. Fiddian Moulton (1835–1898)


Dare to be right! dare to be true!
You have a work that no oth­er can do;
Do it so brave­ly, so kind­ly, so well,
Angels will hast­en the sto­ry to tell.


Dare, dare, dare to do right!
Dare, dare, dare to be true!
Dare to do right, dare to be true!
Dare to do right, to be true!

Dare to be right! dare to be true!
Other men’s fail­ures can ne­ver save you;
Stand by your con­science, your hon­or, your faith,
Stand like a he­ro, and bat­tle till death.


Dare to be right! dare to be true!
God, who cre­at­ed you, cares for you, too;
Treasures the tears that His striv­ing ones shed,
Counts and pro­tects ev­ery hair of your head.


Dare to be right! dare to be true!
Keep the great judg­ment seat al­ways in view;
Look at your work as you’ll look at it then—
Scanned by Je­ho­vah, and an­gels, and men.


Dare to be right! dare to be true!
Jesus, your Sav­ior, will car­ry you through;
City, and man­sion, and throne all in sight,
Can you not dare to be true and do right?
