Scripture Verse

Soldier[s] of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2:3


Isaac Meredith (1872–1962)

Words: F. Wat­son Han­nan, 1904.

Music: Is­aac H. Me­re­dith (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Han­nan (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


We are loy­al com­rades, com­rades of the cross,
Marching on to vic­to­ry, count­ing all but dross,
For our great com­mand­er, who will lead us on,
Till the foe is van­quished and the vic­to­ry won.


Forward, for­ward, then, ye com­rades,
Loyal, brave and strong,
Christ is our com­mand­er,
Victory is our song.

Comrades, nev­er fal­ter, lift the stand­ard high,
Bear it brave­ly for­ward, let its co­lors fly;
Every call to du­ty, heed with­out de­lay,
Braving ev­ery dan­ger, hast­en to obey.


Onward, up­ward, com­rades, ral­ly for the fight,
Charge the com­ing le­gions, seize the sun­lit height;
Hold it for your cap­tain, nev­er call re­treat;
Soon we’ll lay our tro­phies at the Mas­ter’s feet.


Comrades, who re­ceive Him, Mas­ter of us all,
Trust, con­fess, ob­ey Him, hear His gra­cious call;
Follow Him to Cal­va­ry, bear its shame and loss;
We are loy­al com­rades, com­rades of the cross.
