Scripture Verse

This is the promise that He hath promised us, even eternal life. 1 John 2:25


Words: Ni­na Clarke, in Sun­day School and Re­viv­al, by Charles D. Till­man (At­lan­ta, Geor­gia: 1907), num­ber 16.

Music: E. L. Oz­en­dorff (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Oz­en­dorff’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Clarke,


I al­ways meet my Sav­ior
Upon some pro­mise sweet,
And there I list­en to what He may say;
He life eter­nal gives me,
For Je­sus ev­er loves me,
He is com­ing by the pro­mise way to­day.


He is coming by the pro­mise way,
Coming by the pro­mise way,
Coming by the pro­mise way to­day;
My heart goes out to meet Him,
With joy and glad­ness greet Him,
He is com­ing by the pro­mise way to­day.

I tell Him all my trou­bles,
It gives my soul re­lief,
His coun­sels I would ev­er then ob­ey;
With grace He doth sup­ply me,
And ev­er stand­eth by me,
He is com­ing by the pro­mise way to­day.


He fits me for His ser­vice,
With life and love com­plete,
I yield un­to His own and pre­cious way;
To work for Je­sus ev­er,
Shall be my best en­dea­vor,
For He com­eth by the pro­mise way to­day.


To do His will—this only
Shall be my one desire,
In oneness with my Sav­ior would I stay;
Thus yoked with Him, Christ Je­sus,
Work jointly with my Sav­ior,
I shall meet Him by the pro­mise way today.
