Scripture Verse

Ye shall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Luke 2:12


Words & Mu­sic: From Christ­mas Car­ols, by James M. Mc­Laugh­lin (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ginn, 1915), num­ber 2 (🔊 pdf nwc).



Come, come, come to the man­ger,
Children, come, to the chil­dren’s king;
Sing, sing, chor­us of an­gels,
Stars of morn­ing, o’er Beth­le­hem sing!

He lies ’mid the beasts of the stall,
Who is mak­er and Lord of us all,
The win­try wind blows cold and drea­ry,
See, He weeps, the world is wea­ry;
Lord, have pi­ty and mer­cy on me!


He leaves all His glo­ry be­hind,
To be born and to die for man­kind;
With grate­ful beasts His cra­dle chooses,
Thankless man His love re­fus­es;
Lord, have pi­ty and mer­cy on me!


To the man­ger of Beth­le­hem come,
To the Sav­ior Em­ma­nu­el’s home;
The heav’n­ly hosts above are sing­ing,
Set the Christ­mas bells a-ringing,
Lord, have pi­ty and mer­cy on me!
