Scripture Verse

I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation. Isaiah 28:16


Ralph Wardlaw (1779–1853)

Words: Ralph Ward­law, 1817.

Music: Hen­don H. A. Cé­sar Ma­lan, Chants de Si­on, 1827. Har­mo­ny by Low­ell Ma­son, Car­mi­na Sac­ra, 1841 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Christ, of all my hopes the ground;
Christ, the spring of all my joy;
Still in Thee may I be found,
Still for Thee my pow­ers em­ploy,
Still for Thee my powers em­ploy.

Let Thy love my heart in­flame;
Keep Thy fear be­fore my sight;
Be Thy praise my high­est aim;
Be Thy smile my chief de­light,
Be Thy smile my chief de­light.

When af­flict­ion clouds my sky,
And the win­try tem­pests blow,
Let Thy mer­cy beam­ing eye
Sweetly cheer the night of woe.
Sweetly cheer the night of woe.

When new tri­umphs of Thy name
Swell the rap­tured songs above,
May I feel a kin­dred flame,
Full of zeal, and full of love!
Full of zeal, and full of love!

Life’s best joy, to see Thy praise
Fly on wings of Gos­pel light,
Leading on mil­len­ni­al days,
Scattering all the shades of night!
Scattering all the shades of night!

Fountain of ov­er­flow­ing grace,
Freely from Thy full­ness give;
Till I close my earth­ly race,
May I prove it Christ to live!
May I prove it Christ to live!

When, with wast­ing sick­ness worn,
Sinking to the grave I lie,
Or, by sud­den ang­uish torn,
Startled na­ture dreads to die,
Startled na­ture dreads to die.

Jesus, my re­deem­ing Lord,
Be Thou then in mer­cy near!
Let Thy smile of love af­ford
Full re­lief from all my fear,
Full re­lief from all my fear.

Firmly trust­ing in Thy blood,
Nothing shall my heart con­found;
Safely I shall pass the flood,
Safely reach Em­ma­nu­el’s ground,
Safely reach Em­ma­nu­el’s ground.

When I touch the bless­èd shore,
Back the clos­ing waves shall roll;
Death’s dark stream shall ne­ver more
Part from Thee my ra­vished soul,
Part from Thee my ra­vished soul.

Thus, O thus, an en­trance give
To the land of cloud­less sky;
Having known it Christ to live,
Let me know it gain to die,
Let me know it gain to die.