…and He shall reign for ever and ever.
Revelation 11:15
Words: Charles R. Scoville, 1908.
Music: De Loss Smith (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Smith (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
Come, friends, sing,
Of the faith that’s so dear to me,
Revealed thro’ God’s Son, in Galilee;
He brought peace on earth
And good will to the sons of men,
Go tell it to the world,
Her king reigns again.
I am so happy in Jesus,
Captivity’s captor is He;
Angels rejoice when a soul’s saved,
Some day we like Him shall be;
Sorrow and joy have the same Lord,
Valley of shadows shall sing;
Death has its life,
Its door opens in Heaven eternally,
Christ is king.
Crucified, thus He suffered and bled for me,
Death and the grave won sin’s victory;
Then the sky grew dark,
And the temple veil rent in twain,
Rocks rent, and angels came,
For He lived again.
At His feet, on old Olivet’s hill, they say,
Cloud chariots halted, took Christ away;
Then the angels came
And to wondering disciples said,
He’ll come, and earth and sea
Shall yield up their dead.