Scripture Verse

…and He shall reign for ever and ever. Revelation 11:15


Words: Charles R. Sco­ville, 1908.

Music: De Loss Smith (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Smith (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles R. Scoville


Come, friends, sing,
Of the faith that’s so dear to me,
Revealed thro’ God’s Son, in Ga­li­lee;
He brought peace on earth
And good will to the sons of men,
Go tell it to the world,
Her king reigns again.


I am so hap­py in Je­sus,
Captivity’s cap­tor is He;
Angels re­joice when a soul’s saved,
Some day we like Him shall be;
Sorrow and joy have the same Lord,
Valley of sha­dows shall sing;
Death has its life,
Its door op­ens in Heav­en eter­nal­ly,
Christ is king.

Crucified, thus He suf­fered and bled for me,
Death and the grave won sin’s vic­to­ry;
Then the sky grew dark,
And the tem­ple veil rent in twain,
Rocks rent, and an­gels came,
For He lived again.


At His feet, on old Ol­iv­et’s hill, they say,
Cloud cha­ri­ots halt­ed, took Christ away;
Then the an­gels came
And to won­der­ing dis­ci­ples said,
He’ll come, and earth and sea
Shall yield up their dead.
