Scripture Verse

Let the little children come to Me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Mark 10:14


Words: P. S. Or­wig, in Na­tion­al Tid­ings of Joy, ed­it­ed by Da­vid E. Dortch (Nash­ville: Ten­nes­see: Na­tion­al Bap­tist Pub­lish­ing Board, 1878), page 59.

Music: Asa A. Ar­men (🔊 pdf nwc). Note: Some hym­nals give the com­pos­er as A. B. Con­do, one of Ar­men’s pseu­do­nyms.

If you know Or­wig’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Ar­men,


The children are coming to Je­sus,
They’re turning from sin’s vile way;
They’re seeking the mansions of glo­ry,
They’re bound for that heaven, they say.


We’re coming, dearest Sav­ior,
Coming in youth today;
O, guide us by Thy Spir­it,
And lead us all the way.

The children are coming to Je­sus,
Salvation, they say, is free;
’Tis Je­sus that tenderly calls them,
Bright gems in His crown to be.


The children are coming to Je­sus,
With angels to guide their way;
While bright robes in glo­ry are waiting,
For all who will watch and pray.
