

Born: No­vem­ber 16, 1854, Maine.

Died: 1941, Harts­ville, In­di­ana.

Buried: Harts­ville Col­lege Ce­me­te­ry, Harts­ville, In­di­ana.

Pseudonym: Asa All­an Ar­men.


Byron was the son of John Con­do and Ca­ther­ine Bea­ver, and hus­band of Lu­cre­tia Shuck (marr­ied 1884, In­di­ana).

Sometime in the 1870’s, in his youth, he got in­to trou­ble. He was ad­vised by an at­tor­ney to le­gal­ly change his name and move away. He moved away and changed his name to Asa All­an Ar­men with­out tell­ing his fa­mi­ly.

He served as a min­is­ter in the Unit­ed Breth­ren Church.

According to the 1880 cen­sus, he was liv­ing in Hills­dale, Mi­chi­gan and teach­ing music. He was then hired as a mu­sic teach­er at Hart­man Col­lege in In­di­ana. He met his wife, Lu­cre­tia Shuck, there, and they were mar­ried in 1884.

His wife was hired as a mu­sic teach­er at the high school in Co­lum­bus, In­di­ana and Asa [sic] con­tin­ued his min­is­te­ri­al duties. He was pro­mot­ed as pre­sid­ing el­der of the In­di­ana Con­fer­ence of the Unit­ed Breth­ren Church.

Meanwhile, Rev. A. C. Wil­more, who knew both Ar­men and his bro­ther Sam­uel Con­do, who was min­is­ter of the Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church in Ma­ri­on, In­di­ana, re­cog­nized Armen from pho­tos shown to him by Sam­uel Con­do. Sam­uel Con­do and two oth­er min­is­ters con­front­ed Ar­men in 1897 and threat­ened him with con­se­quenc­es if he did not con­fess his true iden­ti­ty.

Armen then re­signed his com­mis­sion, left his wife (as­sum­ing she knew why) and fled to Maine to have his name le­gal­ly changed back to Ad­am By­ron Con­do. He then moved to Tex­as and taught music.

His wife lat­er learned what had hap­pened, tracked him down, and they start­ed cor­res­pond­ing and vi­sit­ing each oth­er; how­ev­er, her mo­ther was op­posed to them re­unit­ing.

In 1904 Con­do was re­com­mis­sioned as a min­is­ter in the Unit­ed Breth­ren Church, work­ing a cir­cuit head­quar­tered in French Lick, In­di­ana. He was re­unit­ed with his wife in 1906 af­ter his mo­ther-in-law passed away.

Diane Sha­pi­ro, in the Hymnary





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