Scripture Verse

Certainly I will be with thee. Exodus 3:12


Words: Fran­ces R. Ha­ver­gal, writ­ten Sep­tem­ber 1871 at Per­ry Barr, Eng­land.

Music: Horn­church Car­mi­na Cen­tum, ed­it­ed by Sam­uel Mor­ris­on (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: J. M. Rus­sell, 1882), num­ber 12 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Frances R. Havergal (1836–1879)


Certainly I will be with thee!
Father, I have found it true;
To Thy faith­ful­ness and mer­cy,
I would set my seal anew.
All the year Thy grace hath kept me,
Thou my help in­deed hast been,
Marvelous the lov­ing­kind­ness
Every day and hour hath seen.

Certainly I will be with thee!
Let me feel it, Sav­ior dear,
Let me know that Thou art with me,
Very pre­cious, ve­ry near.
On this day of so­lemn paus­ing
With Thy­self all long­ing still,
Let Thy par­don, let Thy pre­sence,
Let Thy peace my spir­it fill.

Certainly I will be with thee!
Blessèd Spir­it, come to me,
Rest upon me, dwell with­in me,
Let my heart Thy tem­ple be;
Thro’ the track­less year be­fore me,
Holy One, with me abide!
Teach me, com­fort me, and calm me,
Be my ev­er pre­sent guide.

Certainly I will be with thee!
Starry pro­mise in the night!
All un­cer­tain­ties, like sha­dows,
Fade away be­fore its light.
Certainly I will be with thee!
He hath spok­en, I have heard!
True of old, and true this mo­ment,
I will trust Je­ho­vah’s word.