Scripture Verse

The Gentiles shall come to Thy light. Isaiah 60:3


Words: J. Wake­field Mac­Gill, in Hymns of Con­se­cra­tion and Faith, by James Mount­ain & Mrs. Ev­an Hen­ry Hop­kins (née Isa­bel­la Sar­ah Kit­chin) (Lon­don: Mar­shall Bro­thers, 1902), num­ber 444, alt.

Music: Luck­now (Hus­band) Ed­ward Hus­band, in Con­se­crat­ed Me­lo­dies (Lon­don, 1897) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hus­band (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

J. Wakefield MacGill



Coming, com­ing, yes they are,
Coming, com­ing from afar,

From the wild and scorch­ing de­sert,
Afric’s sons awaked from sleep;
Jesus’ love has drawn and won them,
At His cross they bow and weep.


From the fields and crowd­ed ci­ties,
China ga­thers to His feet;
In His love Shem’s gen­tle child­ren,
Now have found a safe re­treat.


From the In­dus, and the Gan­ges,
Steady flows the liv­ing stream,
To love’s ocean, to His bo­som,
Calvary their won­d’ring theme.


From the steppes of Rus­sia drea­ry,
From Sla­von­ia’s scat­tered lands,
They are yield­ing soul and spir­it
Into Je­sus’ lov­ing hands.


From the froz­en realms of mid­night,
Over ma­ny a wea­ry mile,
To ex­change their soul’s long win­ter
For the sum­mer of His smile.


All to meet in plains of glo­ry,
All to sing His prais­es sweet;
What a chor­us, what a meet­ing,
With the fa­mi­ly com­plete!
