Scripture Verse

Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20


Words: Will­iam D. Mac­La­gan, cir­ca 1873, for St. Ma­ry’s, New­ing­ton. Pub­lished in God­frey Thring’s Col­le­ction, 1882.

Music: Mont­go­me­ry (Stan­ley) in Call’s The Tunes & Hymns as They Are Used at the Mag­da­len Cha­pel, cir­ca 1760. At­trib­ut­ed to John Stan­ley (🔊 pdf nwc).

William D. MacLagan (1826–1910)
National Portrait Gallery



Be still, my soul! for God is near!
The great High Priest is with thee now;
The Lord of life Him­self is near,
Before whose face the an­gels bow.

To make thy heart His low­ly throne
Thy Sav­ior God in love draws nigh;
He gives Him­self un­to His own,
For whom He once came down to die.

He pleads be­fore the mer­cy-seat;
He pleads with God, He pleads for thee;
He gives thee bread from Heav’n to eat,
His flesh and blood in mys­te­ry.

I come, O Lord! for Thou dost call—
To blend my plead­ing pray­er with Thine;
To Thee I give my­self—my all,
And feed on Thee and make Thee mine.

Supper at Emmaus
Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640)