Scripture Verse

The city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. Revelation 21:23


Henry W. Longfellow (1807–1882)

Words: Hen­ry Wads­worth Long­fel­low (1807–1882).

Music: Will­iam A. Og­den, in The Sun­day School Ban­ner, by Theo­dore E. Per­kins (New York: Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, 1865) (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Ogden (1841–1897)


There is a land, a sun­ny land,
Whose skies are ev­er bright,
Where ev­en­ing sha­dows ne­ver fall,
The Sav­ior is its light.


If the cross we meek­ly bear,
Then the crown we shall wear,
When we dwell among the fair,
In the bright for­ev­er­more.

There is a clime, a peace­ful clime,
Beyond life’s nar­row sea,
Where ev­ery storm is hushed to rest,
There let our trea­sure be.


There is a home, a glo­ri­ous home,
A heav’n­ly man­sion fair;
And those we loved so fond­ly here,
Will bid us wel­come there.


We long to leave these fad­ing scenes,
That glide so quick­ly by;
And join the shin­ing host above,
Where joy can ne­ver die.
