Scripture Verse

Be ye therefore ready…for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not. Luke 12:40


Words: Char­lie C. Will­iams; ap­peared in Our Hymns of Love (Fort Worth, Tex­as: Quar­tet Mu­sic, 1909).

Music: Char­lie C. Will­iams. Ar­ranged by New­ton W. All­phin cir­ca 1908 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Will­iams (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of All­phin,

Newton Allphin (1876–1972)


We’re told in the Bi­ble
That Je­sus is com­ing,
Be rea­dy to go, be rea­dy to go!
When He shall des­cend
From the por­tals of glo­ry,
Be rea­dy to go, be rea­dy to go!


Be rea­dy to go, for sure He is com­ing!
That day may be near, be rea­dy to go,
Be rea­dy to go with all the re­deemed ones!
When He shall ap­pear, be rea­dy to go!

Then stand you no long­er
In idle­ness, bro­ther,
Be rea­dy to go, be rea­dy to go!
Be watch­ing and wait­ing
His com­ing to wel­come,
His com­ing to wel­come,
Be rea­dy to go, be rea­dy to go!


We know not the day nor
The hour of His com­ing,
Be rea­dy to go, be rea­dy to go!
Reward He has pro­mised
To all who are faith­ful,
Be rea­dy to go, be rea­dy to go!


Would you with the mill­ions re­deemed
There be num­bered?
Be rea­dy to go, be rea­dy to go!
Then slight not His call,
Nor reject thou His mer­cy,
Be rea­dy to go, be rea­dy to go!
