Scripture Verse

The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Matthew 1:1


Thomas Campbell (1777–1844)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Charles Wes­ley, in The Po­et­ic­al Works of John and Charles Wes­ley, Volume 10 (Lon­don: Wes­ley­an-Me­tho­dist Con­fer­ence Of­fice, 1868), pag­es 138–44.

Music: Sa­gi­na Tho­mas Camp­bell, Bou­quet 1825 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


The book—let all bow down and read—
The book of God to sin­ners giv­en,
The birth of Ab­ra­ham’s blessed Seed,
Of Da­vid’s Son, sent down from Hea­ven!
Stupendous mys­te­ry di­vine,
Gospel to ag­es past un­known!
Heathens and Jews through Je­sus join,
And God and man in Christ are one.

Father of Je­sus Christ, our Lord,
Our Fa­ther through His birth Thou art;
Thy Spi­rit tes­ti­fies the Word
Made flesh, to ev­ery faith­ful heart;
In us Thy new-born Son re­veal,
Thy Son from all eter­ni­ty,
And give Him still on earth to dwell,
By faith con­ceived and formed in me.