Scripture Verse

He will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14


Words: Sho­vel­ler, in A New Se­lect­ion of Se­ven Hun­dred Ev­an­gel­ic­al Hymns, ed­it­ed by John Do­bell (Mor­ris­town: Pe­ter A. John­son, 1810), num­ber 658.

Music: Church Tri­um­phant James W. El­li­ott, 1874 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Sho­vel­ler’s full name, or have ac­cess to a good pic­ture of him of El­li­ott (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Blest be th’Eter­nal In­fi­nite!
Whose skill con­ducts this roll­ing sphere,
Who rules our day, who guards our night,
And guides the swift, re­volv­ing year!

Our race are fall­ing ev­ery hour,
While we dis­ting­uished yet ap­pear:
’Tis of Thy match­less love and pow­er.
That we are spared an­oth­er year.

Oh! for a sweet re­fresh­ing time;
Father! Thy child­ren wish Thee near:
Come, and our joys shall be sub­lime,
While we be­gin an­oth­er year.

Now may Thy Spir­it’s love re­veal,
And make our heav’n­ly pros­pects clear;
Our in­ter­est in them may we feel,
While we pass on from year to year.

May that good Spir­it be our guide,
During our stay as pil­grims here;
Nor let us from our God back­slide,
As we have done the for­mer year.

Strengthen our faith, in­crease our love,
Fill us with god­ly, fi­li­al fear;
And to Thy wait­ing child­ren prove
Thy grace thro’ ev­ery fleet­ing year,

This truth im­press on ev­ery soul,
That vast eter­ni­ty is near—
That time’s swift mo­ments on­ward roll,
To bring the last…the clos­ing year.

When na­ture in a blaze shall die,
Or death con­clude our be­ing here,
Then to our Je­sus may we fly,
To spend a nev­er-end­ing year.