Scripture Verse

The word of His grace. Acts 14:3


Thomas MacKellar

Words: Tho­mas Mac­Kel­lar, 1843.

Music: Star of Peace Lo­well Ma­son (1792–1872) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when the mu­sic was writ­ten,

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Book of grace and book of glo­ry,
Gift of God to age and youth,
Wondrous is thy sac­red sto­ry,
Bright, bright with truth;
Wondrous is thy sac­red sto­ry,
Bright, bright with truth.

Book of love in ac­cents ten­der,
Speaking un­to such as we;
May it lead us, Lord, to ren­der
All, all to Thee;
May it lead us, Lord, to ren­der
All, all to Thee.

Book of hope! the spir­it, sigh­ing,
Sweetest com­fort finds in thee,
As it hears the Sav­ior cry­ing,
Come, come to Me!
As it hears the Sav­ior cry­ing,
Come, come to Me!

Book of life! when we re­pos­ing,
Bid fare­well to friends we love,
Give us, for the life then clos­ing,
Life, life above;
Give us, for the life then clos­ing,
Life, life above.