Scripture Verse

And now, Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in Thee. Psalm 39:7


Words: Paul­in­us of No­la (353–431) (Ec­ce di­es no­bis an­no, re­vo­lu­ta per­ca­to). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by J. Ath­el­stan Ri­ley in The Eng­lish Hym­nal (Lon­don: Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1906), num­ber 195. This is Pau­li­nus’ eighth Car­men Na­ta­li­ti­um (i.e., eighth in his ser­ies of an­nu­al po­ems for the fes­ti­val of Fel­ix of No­la). It was evi­dent­ly writ­ten for Ja­nu­ary 14, 401, when the Goths un­der Al­ar­ic were dev­as­tat­ing It­aly; Pau­li­nus, ask­ing for Fel­ix’ pray­ers, hopes for bet­ter times.

Music: Wohl­auf, thut nicht ver­za­gen Bar­tho­lo­mä­us Hel­der (1585–1635) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Hel­der (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

J. Athelstan Riley (1858–1945)


Another year com­plet­ed,
The day comes round once more
Which with our pa­tron’s ra­di­ance
Is bright as here­to­fore.
Now, strong in hope, unit­ed
His fes­tiv­al we greet;
He will pre­sent our trou­bles
Before the mer­cy-seat.

The Scrip­tures tell how Mos­es
Did for the peo­ple pray,
Appeased the Judge eter­nal,
And turned His wrath away;
Elijah’s pray­er had pow­er,
To close and op­en Heav’n;
Such saints as were afore­time,
Such saints to us are giv’n.

O saint of God, be­lov­èd,
And placed on His right hand,
Thy pray­ers be like a ram­part
As ’gainst the foe we stand;
For Ab­ra­ham’s God is thy God,
And Is­aac’s God is thine,
Thine is the God of Ja­cob,
The Lord of pow­er be­nign.

For for­ty years His Is­ra­el
He fed with an­gels’ food;
The flin­ty rock He op­ened
The streams of wa­ter flowed.
Entreat that Christ His peo­ple
May lead to vic­to­ry:
The God of Jo­shua’s tri­umph
The Lord thy God is He.

Paulinus of Nola
Linz Cathedral, Austria
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