Scripture Verse

The song of Moses…and…the Lamb. Revelation 15:3


Isaac Smith (1734–1805)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Will­iam Ham­mond, Psalms, Hymns and Spi­ri­tu­al Songs (Lon­don: Will­iam Stra­han, 1745).

Music: Sil­ver Street Is­aac Smith, cir­ca 1770 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of good Ham­mond (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Awake, and sing the song
Of Mos­es and the Lamb;
Tune ev­ery heart and ev­ery tongue,
To praise the Sav­ior’s name.

Sing of His dy­ing love;
Sing of His ris­ing pow­er;
Sing how He in­ter­cedes above
For all whose sins He bore.

If you have felt His grace,
You’ll not re­fuse to sing,
But sum­mon all your pow­ers to praise
Your Sav­ior and your king.

Look back, and see the state
Wherein your na­ture lay;
Then won­der at His love so great
Who did your ran­som pay.

His faith­ful­ness pro­claim,
While life and health are giv’n;
Join hands and hearts to praise His name;
Till we all meet in Heav’n.

May Je­su’s word take place
And wis­dom in us dwell,
That we His mi­ra­cles of grace
In psalms and hymns may tell.

Tell in se­ra­phic strains,
What Christ hath done for you;
How He has tak­en off your chains,
And formed your hearts anew.

Be care­ful to ap­prove
Yourselves His child­ren dear;
Admonish and pro­voke to love,
To right­eous­ness, and fear.

Leave car­nal joys be­low,
To men of mean­er taste;
Think, speak, and sing of no­thing now
But Christ, the First and Last.

Are you in deep dis­tress?
Then sing to ease the smart;
Are you re­joiced? let psalms ex­press
The glad­ness of your heart.

When Paul and Si­las sung,
The earth be­gan to quake;
The pri­son doors were op­en flung;
Her firm foun­da­tions shake.

The pri­son­ers’ bands were loosed;
Who can the Lord con­trol?
May eq­ual power be now dif­fused,
And free each cap­tive soul.

Sing till you feel your hearts
Ascending with your tongues;
Sing till the love of sin de­parts,
And grace in­spires your songs.

Sing till you hear Christ say
Your sins are all for­giv’n;
Go on, re­joic­ing all the way,
And sing your souls to Heav’n.