Scripture Verse

His banner over me was love. Song of Solomon 2:4


William S. Bambridge (1842–1923)

Words: James D. Burns, 1861.

Music: St. Asaph (Bam­bridge) Will­iam S. Bam­bridge, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

James D. Burns (1823–1864)


At Thy feet, our God and Fa­ther,
Who has blest us all our days,
We with grate­ful hearts would ga­ther,
To be­gin the year with praise:
Praise for light so bright­ly shin­ing
On our steps from Hea­ven above;
Praise for mer­cies daily twin­ing
Round us gold­en cords of love.

Jesus, for Thy love most ten­der,
On the cross for sin­ners shown,
We would praise Thee, and sur­ren­der
All our hearts to be Thine own:
With so blest a friend pro­vid­ed,
We up­on our way would go,
Sure of being safe­ly guid­ed,
Guarded well from ev­ery foe.

Every day will be the bright­er
When Thy gra­cious face we see;
Every bur­den will be light­er
When we know it comes from Thee,
Spread Thy love’s broad ban­ner o’er us,
Give us strength to serve and wait,
Till the glo­ry breaks be­fore us
Through the ci­ty’s op­en gate.