Scripture Verse

He will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14


Alfred Ackley (1887–1960)

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Words: Al­fred H. Ack­ley, 1911.

Music: Bent­ley D. Ack­ley (🔊 pdf nwc). Some hym­nals show the com­pos­er as Lloyd Ten Eyck, Ack­ley’s pseu­do­nym.

Bentley Ackley


Thro’ life’s pil­grim way
I’ll jour­ney with my Sav­ior,
In the night of care
He’ll lead me to the day,
Till I en­ter Heav­en’s
Portals by His fa­vor,
Trusting, I will go
With Je­sus all the way.


I’ll go with Him all the way to glo­ry,
I will go with Je­sus all the way,
Till I stand with­in
The home­land por­tals,
I will go with Je­sus all the way.

He will nev­er, nev­er
Leave me nor for­sake me;
If in Him I put my trust
I shall not stray,
For He knows the path
That lead­eth thro’ the val­ley,
And with Him there’s light
And glo­ry all the way.


Even now I seem
To hear the songs of glo­ry,
From the souls that stand
Redeemed be­fore His throne;
I re­joice, for some day
I shall sing that sto­ry,
Of the Christ who brought
Me safe­ly to my home.


When the ene­mies
Of Je­sus would alarm me,
Then I cry for help
To Him who is my friend,
And He al­ways an­swers
E’er my foes can harm me,
He who con­quered death
Will keep me to the end.
