Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: because His mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 118:1
Words: Charles Wesley, 1743.
Music: Brownwell Franz J. Haydn (1732–1809) (🔊 pdf nwc).
Alternate Tune:
This paraphrase of [Psalm] cxviii. in 22 st. of 6 l., although pub. in the Psalms and Hymns of J. & C. Wesley, 1743, did not appear, in any form, in the Wes. H. Bk. until the revised ed. of 1875, when two centos were given as one hymn (No. 616), in two parts, the first being st. 1, 3, 10, 11, 12 and 15; and the second
Jesus is lifted up on high,st. 17–22. Full original text in the P. Works, 1868–72, vol. viii, pp. 204–08.Julian, p. 40
All glory to our gracious Lord!
His love be by His church adored,
His love eternally the same!
His love let Aaron’s sons confess,
His free and everlasting grace
Let all that fear the Lord proclaim.
The Lord I now can say is mine,
And, confident in strength divine,
Nor man, nor fiends, nor flesh I fear,
Jesus the Savior takes my part,
And keeps the issues of my heart;
My helper is for ever near.
Righteous I am in Him, and strong,
He is become my joyful song,
My Savior and salvation too:
I triumph through His mighty grace,
And pure in heart shall see His face,
And rise in Christ a creature new.
The voice of joy, and love, and praise,
And thanks for His redeeming grace
Among the justified is found:
With songs that rival those above,
With shouts proclaiming Jesu’s love,
Both day and night their tents resound.
The Lord’s right hand hath wonders wrought
Above the reach of human thought,
The Lord’s right hand exalted is;
We see it still stretched out to save;
The power of God in Christ we have,
And Jesus is the Prince of peace.
Open the gates of righteousness,
Receive me into Christ my peace,
That I His praises may record;
He is the Truth, the Life, the Way,
The portal of eternal day,
The gate of Heaven is Christ my Lord.
Jesus is lifted up on high,
Whom man refused and doomed to die,
He is become the cornerstone;
Head of the church He lives and reigns,
His kingdom over all maintains,
High on His everlasting throne.
The Lord the amazing work hath wrought,
Hath from the dead our Shepherd brought,
Revived on the third glorious day:
This is the day our God hath made,
The day for sinners to be glad
In Him who bears their sins away.
Thee, Lord, with joyful lips we praise,
O send us now Thy saving grace,
Make this the acceptable hour:
Our hearts would now receive Thee in;
Enter, and make an end of sin,
And bless us with the perfect power.
Bless us, that we may call Thee blest,
Sent down from Heaven to give us rest,
Thy gracious Father to proclaim
His sinless nature to impart,
In every new, believing heart
To manifest His glorious name.
God is the Lord that shows us light,
Then let us render Him His right,
The offerings of a thankful mind;
Present our living sacrifice,
And to His cross in closest ties
With cords of love our spirit bind.
Thou art my God, and Thee I praise,
Thou art my God, I sing Thy grace.
And call mankind to extol Thy name:
All glory to our gracious Lord!
His name be praised, His love adored,
Through all eternity the same!