Scripture Verse

Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: because His mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 118:1


Franz J. Haydn (1732–1809)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, 1743.

Music: Brown­well Franz J. Hay­dn (1732–1809) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Origin of the Hymn

This pa­ra­phrase of [Psalm] cxviii. in 22 st. of 6 l., al­though pub. in the Psalms and Hymns of J. & C. Wes­ley, 1743, did not ap­pear, in any form, in the Wes. H. Bk. un­til the re­vised ed. of 1875, when two cen­tos were giv­en as one hymn (No. 616), in two parts, the first be­ing st. 1, 3, 10, 11, 12 and 15; and the se­cond Je­sus is lift­ed up on high, st. 17–22. Full orig­in­al text in the P. Works, 1868–72, vol. viii, pp. 204–08.

Julian, p. 40


All glo­ry to our gra­cious Lord!
His love be by His church ad­ored,
His love eter­nal­ly the same!
His love let Aar­on’s sons con­fess,
His free and ev­er­last­ing grace
Let all that fear the Lord pro­claim.

The Lord I now can say is mine,
And, con­fi­dent in strength di­vine,
Nor man, nor fiends, nor flesh I fear,
Jesus the Sav­ior takes my part,
And keeps the is­sues of my heart;
My help­er is for ever near.

Righteous I am in Him, and strong,
He is be­come my joy­ful song,
My Sav­ior and sal­va­tion too:
I tri­umph through His migh­ty grace,
And pure in heart shall see His face,
And rise in Christ a crea­ture new.

The voice of joy, and love, and praise,
And thanks for His re­deem­ing grace
Among the jus­ti­fied is found:
With songs that ri­val those above,
With shouts pro­claim­ing Je­su’s love,
Both day and night their tents re­sound.

The Lord’s right hand hath won­ders wrought
Above the reach of hu­man thought,
The Lord’s right hand ex­alt­ed is;
We see it still stretched out to save;
The pow­er of God in Christ we have,
And Je­sus is the Prince of peace.

Open the gates of right­eous­ness,
Receive me in­to Christ my peace,
That I His prais­es may re­cord;
He is the Truth, the Life, the Way,
The por­tal of eter­nal day,
The gate of Heav­en is Christ my Lord.

Jesus is lift­ed up on high,
Whom man re­fused and doomed to die,
He is be­come the cor­ner­stone;
Head of the church He lives and reigns,
His king­dom ov­er all main­tains,
High on His ev­er­last­ing throne.

The Lord the amaz­ing work hath wrought,
Hath from the dead our Shep­herd brought,
Revived on the third glo­ri­ous day:
This is the day our God hath made,
The day for sin­ners to be glad
In Him who bears their sins away.

Thee, Lord, with joy­ful lips we praise,
O send us now Thy sav­ing grace,
Make this the ac­cept­able hour:
Our hearts would now re­ceive Thee in;
Enter, and make an end of sin,
And bless us with the per­fect pow­er.

Bless us, that we may call Thee blest,
Sent down from Heav­en to give us rest,
Thy gra­cious Fa­ther to pro­claim
His sin­less na­ture to im­part,
In ev­ery new, be­liev­ing heart
To ma­ni­fest His glo­ri­ous name.

God is the Lord that shows us light,
Then let us ren­der Him His right,
The of­fer­ings of a thank­ful mind;
Present our liv­ing sac­ri­fice,
And to His cross in clos­est ties
With cords of love our spir­it bind.

Thou art my God, and Thee I praise,
Thou art my God, I sing Thy grace.
And call mankind to ex­tol Thy name:
All glo­ry to our gra­cious Lord!
His name be praised, His love adored,
Through all eter­ni­ty the same!