Scripture Verse

By terrible things in righteousness wilt Thou answer us, O God of our salvation; who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea. Psalm 65:5


Edward Bickersteth (1825–1906)

Words: Ed­ward H. Bick­er­steth, Jr., 1869. Orig­in­al first line: Lord of the ocean, hear our cry.

Music: Rock­ing­ham (Mill­er) Karl P. E. Bach, ar­ranged by Ed­ward Mill­er, 1790 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Edward Miller (1735–1807)
National Portrait Gallery



Almighty Fa­ther, hear our cry,
As o’er the track­less deep we roam;
Be Thou our hav­en al­ways nigh,
On home­less wa­ters Thou our home.

O Je­su, Sav­ior, at whose voice
The tem­pest sank to per­fect rest,
Bid Thou the fear­ful heart re­joice,
And cleanse and calm the trou­bled breast.

O Ho­ly Ghost, be­neath whose pow­er
The ocean woke to life and light,
Command Thy bless­ing in this hour,
Thy fos­ter­ing warmth, Thy quick­en­ing might.

Great God of our sal­va­tion, Thee
We love, we wor­ship, we ad­ore;
Our re­fuge on time’s change­ful sea,
Our joy on Heav’n’s eter­nal shore.