Joe Uthup



Born: 1988, Kerala, India.



Joe is the son of Si­mon Za­cha­ri­ah.

Joe was raised in Bloom­ing­ton, In­di­ana, from age five. He earned his Ba­che­lor’s de­gree in Voice from In­di­ana Uni­ver­si­ty (IU) Ja­cobs School of Mu­sic, and is cur­rent­ly pur­su­ing his Mas­ter’s de­gree in Voice.

Beginning as a boy so­pra­no, he per­formed sev­er­al so­los at the Ja­cobs School of Mu­sic, in­clud­ing Ben­ja­min Brit­ten’s Saint Nich­ol­as and Le­on­ard Bern­stein’s Chi­ches­ter Psalms. He al­so ap­peared in sev­er­al IU Ope­ra The­ater pro­duct­ions, in­clud­ing Bern­stein’s The Mass and Frank Loes­ser’s The Most Hap­py Fel­la. He also sang with the State, Mid­west, and Na­tion­al Hon­or Choirs.

He is a mem­ber of the Chan­cel Choir of the First United Me­tho­dist Church, Bloom­ing­ton, In­di­ana.
