Scripture Verse

I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven. Luke 10:18


Words: Ad­am of St. Vic­tor, 12th Cen­tu­ry (Mun­di Re­no­va­tio). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Her­bert Kyn­as­ton, Oc­ca­sion­al Hymns (Lon­don: R. Clay, Son, & Tay­lor, 1862), pag­es 101–03, alt.

Music: The Be­gin­ning of Months Joe Uth­up, 2017 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Kyn­as­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Joe Uthup (1988–)


Now the world new plea­sures finds;
Hastes its vo­tive sweets to pay;
All its win­try shroud un­winds,
Casts grave-clothes and night away.
Wakes to see its Sav­ior rise,
Wakes on earth and in the skies;
Keeps His Pas­chal ho­ly day.

Nimbly glide the duc­tile fires;
Rolls the light its tid­al joys;
Ocean’s ax­les smooth their tires;
The world purg­es all al­loys:
Clouds as­cend the high­est blue,
Weights their low­est depths pur­sue,
Earth up­holds its eq­ui­poise.

Heav’n it­self, now more se­rene,
Tempers all its breez­es keen;
Brightly smiles the wa­ters’ sheen:
And vales, ter­raced high in flow­ers,
All their drought with stream­lets flush,
Pearl their dew with sun­light’s gush;
Spring leads on his joy­ous hours.

Now the prince of all the world
Winter’s icy flag has furled;
Downward all his might is hurled;
The ty­rant of all man­kind,
When he sought the spot­less soul
Of the Sav­ior to con­trol,
Cast his king­dom to the wind.

Life has tri­umphed ov­er death;
Sinking to the hell be­neath,
Man re­cov­ers liv­ing breath;
And op­ens his eyes to see
All the joys of pa­ra­dise;
For the che­rub’s flam­ing sword
Turns but one way—to the Lord.